Discover the Journey to Publication with 'Five by Five' author, Claire Wilson

Discover the Journey to Publication with 'Five by Five' author, Claire Wilson

We recently caught up with the wonderful debut novelist and September PREM1ER author, Claire Wilson, to chat about her experience getting the fantastic Five by Five published. 

In July 2023, I got everything I ever wanted in a 20-minute phone call.

It was already late when I got home from work and read the email. Joel Richardson, editor at Penguin Michael Joseph and one of the judges of the Penguin Michael Joseph Undiscovered Writers Prize, wanted to speak to me.

It could only mean one thing. I’d been informed I’d made the Undiscovered Writers Prize shortlist in early March. At the time, I had to stop myself from replying asking if there’d been a mistake.

Isn’t this nice, I thought. A phone call rejection. Hadn’t had one of those before.

Many rejections were cold, standard, vague… And always seemed to come at the weekend.

I replied with my number, expecting the publishing world to have wound down for the weekend. I was going to have to wait for the rejection until the following Monday which suited me fine. I’d already have the Monday blues.

But this would be a different rejection at it came with a consolation prize: an hour of Joel’s time. I’d finally find out, from a professional, where I was going wrong. How I kept getting so close but ultimately fell short.

But Joel did call. I’d won the prize.

A 2024 hardback release. Representation from the David Headley. A five-figure

advance. Within days, the contracts were signed.

Two weeks later, I met the Penguin Michael Joseph team in person at Harrogate crime festival. I was invited to the PMJ author dinner and experienced the worst imposter syndrome of my life!

A book that I began writing in 2012. A book that I temporarily gave up on about five times, for five different reasons. A book that only I could write, based on my experiences, that kept luring me back.

A book that I’m proud to say is the PREM1ER pick for September 2024.

A book that’s proof that determination and resilience is just as important as talent.

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