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Journal & Events
Bookseller Recommends: 8 Must-Read March Releas...
Spring is (almost) in the air, and with it comes a fresh crop of books to fall in love with. Our booksellers at Goldsboro Books have hand-picked eight stunning new...
Bookseller Recommends: 8 Must-Read March Releas...
Spring is (almost) in the air, and with it comes a fresh crop of books to fall in love with. Our booksellers at Goldsboro Books have hand-picked eight stunning new...
Important Update Regarding Subscription Payment...
We’re making an update to improve your subscription experience! Starting from April 1st 2025, all subscription payments will be processed on a fixed date each month, rather than on a flexible...
Important Update Regarding Subscription Payment...
We’re making an update to improve your subscription experience! Starting from April 1st 2025, all subscription payments will be processed on a fixed date each month, rather than on a flexible...
What makes a book ‘book club worthy? How we cho...
If you know Goldsboro, then you’ll likely know about our popular book clubs: Crime Collective for crime and thriller fans, GSFF for Sci-Fi and fantasy enthusiasts and PREM1ER - a...
What makes a book ‘book club worthy? How we cho...
If you know Goldsboro, then you’ll likely know about our popular book clubs: Crime Collective for crime and thriller fans, GSFF for Sci-Fi and fantasy enthusiasts and PREM1ER - a...
5 Unmissable Debut Novels Coming in Early 2025
With 2025 already promising to be an incredible year for publishing, we asked our booksellers at our London and Brighton bookshops which debut novels they’re most excited about in early...
5 Unmissable Debut Novels Coming in Early 2025
With 2025 already promising to be an incredible year for publishing, we asked our booksellers at our London and Brighton bookshops which debut novels they’re most excited about in early...
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