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  • An Interview with David Fennell

    An Interview with David Fennell

    We had David Fennell in to sign our copies of A Violent Heart! Full of suspense, the return of DI Archer will have you gripped until the very last page....

    An Interview with David Fennell

    We had David Fennell in to sign our copies of A Violent Heart! Full of suspense, the return of DI Archer will have you gripped until the very last page....

  • An Interview with Laura Shepperson

    An Interview with Laura Shepperson

    We recently had Laura Shepperson in to sign her special edition copies of The Heir of Venus. From the Sunday Times bestselling author comes a new spellbinding retelling set at...

    An Interview with Laura Shepperson

    We recently had Laura Shepperson in to sign her special edition copies of The Heir of Venus. From the Sunday Times bestselling author comes a new spellbinding retelling set at...

  • Special Editions & Sprayed Edges: A Modern Revival

    Special Editions & Sprayed Edges: A Modern Revival

    A sprayed edge is often thought of as the cherry on the cake of a new special edition book. Whilst the content within the book itself is of course what’s...

    Special Editions & Sprayed Edges: A Modern Revival

    A sprayed edge is often thought of as the cherry on the cake of a new special edition book. Whilst the content within the book itself is of course what’s...

  • An Interview with Rachel Blackmore, author of Costanza

    An Interview with Rachel Blackmore, author of C...

    We recently had the lovely Rachel Blackmore in to sign her special edition copies of Costanza. We absolutely loved this novel as you are transported to Rome in the 1600s. We...

    An Interview with Rachel Blackmore, author of C...

    We recently had the lovely Rachel Blackmore in to sign her special edition copies of Costanza. We absolutely loved this novel as you are transported to Rome in the 1600s. We...

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