About the book
In a blaze of light, rush of wind, and scrabble of claws, Rachel and her younger brother are ripped through the wall and hurtled on to another world. Like thousands of children before them, they have been snatched away by the Witch. But this time the Witch has met her match. Rachel discovers that she has extraordinary gifts: she can transform herself into a speck of dust, or fly on an owl's back, just as the Witch can. The Witch is excited, she has found someone she can use for her own evil purposes. But for the Witch's victims, Rachel is their only hope. Cliff McNish's first book is a real page turner. A great narrative drive, strong characters and emotions, a beautifully imagined world and delicious touches of magic and humour show him to be a natural-born storyteller with an instinctive understanding of what children will enjoy. Rave reports are coming in from 10 to 12 year-olds and from adult fantasy lovers too, indicating that in Cliff McNish we have discovered a new and highly commercial author of huge talent and an exceptionally broad appeal.